大胆的. 独特的. 圣经.
一个原理方法® -宾夕法尼亚州兰开斯特县的12基督教学校



Below you'll find answers to common questions we hear from parents who are considering Dayspring Academy. Please call us at 717-285-2000 or contact us if you have a question that is not answered here.

The Bible clearly teaches that the responsibility of education belongs to parents, not the State. 箴言说:“敬畏耶和华是智慧的开端。.只有教导我们的孩子神的话语中的真理, will we ensure that they can adequately meet the challenges of a secular world and affect that world dynamically for the cause of Christ.
Dayspring Christian Academy is fully accredited by the Association of Christian Schools International and the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools. 更多信息
原则方法 is a philosophy of education, a method of teaching, and a curricular approach all rolled into one. 事实上,原则方法是一种生活方式. It brings the basic truths and principles of God’s Word into the mainstream of our everyday lives rather than allowing the secular-sacred dichotomy of today’s society to rob us of becoming everything God desires us to be. 原则方法是符合圣经的基督教教育. It is a restoration of the form of education that prevailed throughout the first two hundred years of our nation’s history.
原则方法 does not rely upon a prescribed or packaged curriculum written by some publishing company. 而不是, each teacher masters his or her subject area by employing the 4 Rs of re搜索, 原因, 联系, 并记录. Much emphasis is placed upon 搜索ing out original documentation rather than depending upon biased or secularized interpretation of others. The Foundation for American Christian Education and other Principle Approach organizations also provide key resource material, including the Noah Plan – a comprehensive Principle Approach curriculum overview.
Will my child use the same textbooks as other government and Christian schools?
学生们确实使用教科书学习技能导向的课程, 总的来说, 虽然, 教科书被用作资源工具. Students and teachers alike develop highly specialized notebooks that become the primary teaching-learning tools. This enhances the internalization of the material to be learned and creates a sense of ownership which increases long-term retention and application.
生命的问题从人心里发出(箴言4:23). 重点放在人物的发展上. This centers upon the foundation of learning the principle of Christian Self-Government and God’s Principle of Individuality. 在每个年级, Dayspring students are taught to aspire to the character of Jesus Christ and are exposed to godly examples in their teachers who are a “living curriculum” before them.  
The success and quality of education at any school depends to a large extent on the 在那里工作的人. Being a church-联系d Christian School; we are not bound by state certification and indoctrination requirements. Every Dayspring teacher is highly qualified educationally with a minimum of a bachelor’s degree and many with advanced degrees. Our teachers exhibit not only the technical expertise necessary to educate children, 而是在教学领域的呼召. Dayspring教师接受广泛和持续的专业培训 原则方法 以及其他相关的教育实践.
我们视每个孩子为独一无二的个体(上帝的个性原则), 是上帝创造的,有特殊的天赋和才能. Students with learning difficulties are provided for in a variety of ways in the regular classroom setting. 我们的P139项目为所有学习水平的学生提供服务. 我们的丰富, classical curriculum enables students to reach their full potential in creativity and higher level thinking skills. Dayspring offers the National Institute for Learning Development (NILD) program for students with significant learning difficulties.
Can Dayspring use OSTC funds to help pay some of the tuition for students from struggling schools?
Dayspring is happy to partner with the Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit (OSTC) program.  因为这个项目, we can offer some tuition assistance to students who would need to attend a school (individual school, (非地区)被PA教育部认定为不合格. OSTC项目是如何运作的? The Commonwealth determines which schools fall into the bottom 15% of public schools and identifies those students as being eligible to receive OSTC tuition assistance from private schools.  However, being part of a failing school is not a guarantee of a full scholarship at Dayspring.  The funds are not unlimited; the amount of money available through OSTC varies based on the number of contributors to the program. The OSTC program allows businesses to partner with schools to defer tax payments that are usually paid to the state to scholarship organization schools like Dayspring.  例如, 企业可以选择将纳税推迟到Dayspring, 总共100美元,有资格的学生可以在Dayspring获得. 要符合资格,家庭必须完成以下事项:
  1. 提交申请到Dayspring在线通过 我们的网上申请表格. 你必须为你想要注册的每个孩子填写一份申请.
  2. 带您的孩子来黎明参加新生入学考试, 招生办公室将如何与你的家人协调.
  3. Bring parents and Upper School children (entering grades 6-12) for your New Family Interview, 招生办公室将如何与你的家人协调.
在你被录用之后, Dayspring’s tuition assistance process requires that all parents who want to be considered for any form of Tuition Assistance complete our Tuition Assistance Request application, 哪些是通过我们的第三方学费管理系统处理的, 事实.  事实 helps Dayspring determine how to allocate tuition assistance funds to help as many families as possible, 和可用的OSTC资金在这个时候被考虑在内.  确保考虑到Dayspring的学费援助计划和OSTC, 请在完成步骤1-3后申请协助, 如上所述, 4月17日前. 了解你的家庭如何从OSTC的支持中受益, 联系约翰·里德尔, 财务总监 jriddell@yxdtmy.com. If you own a business and want to help Dayspring support families from failing schools, 联系约翰·里德尔或乔安妮·马丁, 发展总监, at jmartin@yxdtmy.com.


我们为您和您的孩子提供私人旅游. 另外, middle and high school students are able to experience a day of school at Dayspring through our visitation program. 请致电717-285-2000或使用下面的按钮进行注册.
